Every day everything we choose is influenced by cognitive biases: it is essential to take them into account to design better experiences. Here's how we do it.
Integrating psychology and user experience is the basis of our mixed methods approach that integrates experiential tests with quantitative analysis models, in order to obtain a complete and objective view of people's experience.
User experience and consumer experience are expressions which we frequently encounter, but what is the experience of which we speak and when we say that we take care of it to improve its quality? What aspects do we register or take into consideration?
Neuromarketing is a branch of neuroeconomics that fuses traditional marketing with neurology and psychology, but the interesting part is that it unequivocally focuses on people.
Shopping online with home delivery: a survey on three organised large-scale distribution brands to understand how Amazon affects our online shopping experiences.
Usability is a beautiful concept, more than the term and its use, or abuse, make us think.
The word comes from the Latin uti use, simple then.
Not really, because the meaning of this term is often neglected or reduced to its daily meaning of using something, the habit of the act or being the usual thing itself.