Data analysis and privacy: the balance in analytics cookies
What is the role of analytics cookies in web analytics and how to balance the use of data with respect for privacy.
2' reading time
A listening journey between tradition and sustainability for the future of Piedmont
A journey into the heart of Piedmont to explore biomass heating, between tradition, identity and sustainability, and promote a greener future.
2' reading time
Observing the experience in the bookshop: a research project within the Mondadori Store bookshops
Research project conducted by TSW in Mondadori Store bookshops. Observing the in-store experience by examining storefronts, atmosphere, and personal interactions.
2' reading time
Unconventional Marketing: advertising that becomes an experience
Unconventional Marketing transforms advertising into engaging experiences to improve brand perception and build authentic relationships.
1' reading time
Banca Sella and TSW: analysis of the usability of the App to improve the experience
Banca Sella and TSW collaboration to optimize the Home Banking App. Usability tests, barrier identification, user interviews, and implementation of improvements.
2' reading time
Observation reveals the true essence of experiences
The art of observation reveals meanings often overlooked. Insight into its role in research and how to learn to use it consciously.
3' reading time
Imitation not to influence, but for better experiences
How neuroscience has opened new frontiers in understanding the mechanisms of imitation. Evolution of its concept in marketing.
1' reading time
Wellbeing and efficacy of anti-aging creams: people’s experiences
Anti-aging creams can improve psychophysiological well-being. This is demonstrated by a study that combines objective data and personal experiences of the participants.
1' reading time
Mouseflow, usability tests and the importance of listening to people
User experience optimization: Mouseflow and usability tests integrated with listening to people for a complete view and targeted improvements.
1' reading time
How cognitive neuroscience applies in marketing
We want to underline how much neuroscience can help us understand, at a different level, the real element of value: people.
1' reading time
Usability test: when and why to use think aloud, eye-tracker and GSR
Like Think Aloud, Eye-Tracker and GSR can help understand user behavior and needs, to design successful experiences.
2' reading time
Usability testing with and without a facilitator: what’s the difference?
We understand why a facilitated usability test can enrich the user experience and business knowledge of your audience.
2' reading time
Today we know something more about the human being.
Experience marketing is a revolution that puts customer experience first. Design together to achieve common goals.
3' reading time
Why listening to people makes the difference in business
In knowing as much as possible the people to whom the products and services are aimed, a fundamental element is missing, the voice of the people.
5' reading time
People and social media: our research to design more effective experiences and content
Our research on the experience of using social media and on the variation in eye behavior depending on the structure of the channel.
2' reading time
From earned media to social media exit
A brief excursus of how in this last decade we have gone from the hangover for the ... to the cancellation from ... so-called “social”.
5' reading time
TAG: qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design retail analysis