From earned media to social media exit
A brief excursus of how in this last decade we have gone from the hangover for the ... to the cancellation from ... so-called “social”.
5' reading time
Online shopping in the Amazon times…
Shopping online with home delivery: a survey on three organised large-scale distribution brands to understand how Amazon affects our online shopping experiences.
3' reading time
The Millennials in 2018: characteristics and evolution of people born between 1980 and 1995
Millennials: Who are they and how did they change. The generation born between 1980 and 1995, the first target with high digital knowledge.
6' reading time
We enhance experiences by listening: the TSW approach
The 5 W rule today has a new element, which is fundamental for us: the WITH. A notion of togetherness that is the basis of the deep motivations of many of our practices.
2' reading time
Eye tracking for neuromarketing tests to evaluate commercials. The Costa Cruises case
What is the value of eye tracking in neuromarketing tests aimed at evaluating commercials? We expose the case of Costa Cruises.
2' reading time
Anthropological Marketing: a research on the Human – Customer Experience
Anthropological Marketing is an interdisciplinary approach that uses strategies and techniques that combine qualitative research aimed at studying the cultural values of the target in relation to market needs.
3' reading time
A (healthy) reflection on neuromarketing
A reflection on neuromarketing in relation to traditional market research and the criticisms that are made against it.
2' reading time
TSW XP LAB: User Experience and Neuromarketing on the road
TSW XP Lab can investigate what people feel in different contexts, thanks to some neuromarketing tools.
1' reading time
Neuromarketing and consumer behavior: what TSW XP Lab does
What people say, what people do, what people say to do is totally different. The answers by neuromarketing, to understand their behavior.
3' reading time
TAG: SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing