IED and TSW: listening and optimization for an improved user experience
How the strategic partnership with TSW has allowed the European Institute of Design to work effectively on its digital success.
2' reading time
Design: creating, and shaping, by listening to people’s experiences
Meaning of design, combination of beauty and functionality. The aspect of intuition and sensitivity, synergistic with listening and data validation.
9' reading time
How to Put Art in a Book: art at the service of people
What is the role of publishing in its multiple relationships with art. Exhibition curated by Leonardo Sonnoli and hosted at the Teatrino of Palazzo Grassi, Venice.
1' reading time
17th Architecta Summit 2023: the central role of people
Architecta Summit 2023 in Venice: reflections on language, synergies and innovation. The design choices favor collaboration and importance of people.
3' reading time
Microcopy: details that revolutionize people’s experience
The power of microcopy: guide users, build trust, reduce errors and encourage action. Create an extraordinary digital experience.
3' reading time
Reducing the paradox of choice by involving people
Involving people allows you to understand their precious point of view to choose and organize information in a clear, simple and direct way.
2' reading time
Storytelling: the art of telling your own story
Storytelling transforms the brand into an immersive experience. Creating empathy with the story and communicating complex ideas is possible.
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How to create an effective landing page? 10 rules for design
Creating an effective landing page: 10 rules to maximize conversions. Effective ads thanks to cta, content consistency and mobile-friendly design.
3' reading time
Digital accessibility: what it means to design for everyone
Inclusive design: the importance of digital accessibility and our approach to designing web products and services accessible to all.
1' reading time
Social media and brand reputation: how they impact the digital experience
Overseeing social channels with the right content makes the difference in terms of brand image in the minds of consumers, and in creating valuable experiences.
2' reading time
Why listening to people makes the difference in business
In knowing as much as possible the people to whom the products and services are aimed, a fundamental element is missing, the voice of the people.
5' reading time
Card sorting: participatory design at the service of users
Co-design activity for the organization of contents, which makes listening a concrete approach with tangible results.
3' reading time
The importance of visual communication in giving coherence to the message
Visual communication obvious to the gap between what brands say they are, what they really are, and what people pick up on.
3' reading time
Does the packaging of a product influence our purchasing decisions?
Packaging design is a fundamental element in determining a purchase: TSW has conducted a study to understand how much it counts in buying organic pasta.
4' reading time
The Sixth W Manifesto
The Manifesto of the Sixth W speaks of people, of their involvement, precisely of With, which is a good practice and an antidote especially if it is aimed at certain corrupt practices.
4' reading time
Brand Protection: the study on online brand protection
Fraudulent sites are a treat for brand. We studied if and how consumers perceive these sites. Our answers are in the complete study free for download.
1' reading time
TAG: antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design retail analysis qualitative research