What neuromarketing is (not) and how neuroscience and research improve customer experience
Neuromarketing and neuroscience are shedding their sensationalist meanings, leaving only what is solid and applicable.
3' reading time
Companies and customers: two different planets?
Reconnecting those who design products and services with the people they are intended for, helps the corporate planet to take care of the customer experience.
2' reading time
Designing and improving the user experience starting from the brand associations: the project together with the University of Padua
Our project together with the University of Padua to evolve BARTT and measure the brand associations to design better experiences.
3' reading time
How sport will change after Coronavirus: redesigning the fan experience, from eSports to D2C services
eSports, D2C services, new ways to interact and to involve fans: how Coronavirus is changing sport marketing.
4' reading time
Customer Journey Map: qualitative research to understand people’s journey, and their moments of true
Customer Journey Map, tool for doing qualitative research and defining the overall user experience; identify the moments of true.
3' reading time
Customer Experience and Fashion e-commerce: also large luxury brands choose the point of view of people
Luxury brands becoming increasingly careful to realize experiences based on listening and on centrality of people, with the aim of fully understanding their expectations and needs during the entire purchasing process.
2' reading time
What is user experience?
User experience and consumer experience are expressions which we frequently encounter, but what is the experience of which we speak and when we say that we take care of it to improve its quality? What aspects do we register or take into consideration?
27' reading time
TAG: digital marketing eye tracking usability test experience design product and service design retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO UX and UI CRO