We draw with people the strategies aimed at enhancing the quality of experiences for digital and non-digital products and services, and consequently better interaction with brands.
In every place there are people and therefore stories to listen to in order to design better experiences together. This is why the TSW mobile laboratory was born.
Collaboration between TSW and the American MediaScience in measuring the effectiveness and optimizing, through real experiences, a TV commercial before being broadcast.
Luxury brands becoming increasingly careful to realize experiences based on listening and on centrality of people, with the aim of fully understanding their expectations and needs during the entire purchasing process.
User experience and consumer experience are expressions which we frequently encounter, but what is the experience of which we speak and when we say that we take care of it to improve its quality? What aspects do we register or take into consideration?
How is cognitive load monitored? Skin conductance (GSR), eye-tracking and electroencephalography (EEG) investigate the balance between usability of the interface and information complexity.