From data to people: the importance of Data Strategy
People and data: how Digital Strategy improves user life. Reality is increasingly linked to the data lurking in our smallest daily actions, and to the precious information that they reveal to us.
3' reading time
Anthropological Marketing: the people at the center to enhance the Human-Customer Experience
From the union of Marketing and Anthropology, a new approach is born that puts people at the center and allows us to analyze their needs and desires.
2' reading time
TSW XP Lab: Enhancing Human Experience
Can we know what do people feel when they interact with brands? The answer is yes and we describe that on our new TSW XP Lab website.
1' reading time
Face Reading: the silent interview by Leonardo Di Caprio
After 22 years waiting, Leonardo Di Caprio finally wins the Oscar. But what does his facial expression say? An emotion analysis.
2' reading time
Neuromarketing and Decision Making
What kind of variables influence our choices? The context and the way in which information is presented are important, but emotions are significant too.
3' reading time
TAG: experience design product and service design retail analysis qualitative research antropological marketing The Sixth W approach user testing SEO UX and UI CRO digital marketing eye tracking usability test